segunda-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2015

Coisas que passam e só assim a gente entende.

Aquele dia eu estava tão tranquila, apenas observando tudo que acontecia a minha volta. Apesar de um mundo novo se mostrando, eu só queria tentar entender. Você apareceu e me fez sentir algo que parecia impossível.  A situação me assustou... E agora vendo com outros olhos, eu realmente não deveria ter me deixado levar.
O que parecia algo bom foi me transformando em uma pessoa possessiva, persistente e insuportavelmente chata com você. Eu não me reconhecia e até hoje não acredito como me deixar levar. Não era paixão, muito menos amor... era vontade de experimentar.
Tudo isso gerou dúvidas, questionamentos e muitas incertezas, hoje vejo que é mais simples do que imaginava. Agora mais calma analiso que o que aconteceu ficou pra trás em um lugar distante, espero não recorrer nunca mais a ele, nem para apenas lembrar ou muito menos lamentar.
Foi bom o que aprendi, o que sempre carreguei comigo como melhor a fazer deveria permanecer, independente da situação que me encontrar.


Everybody wishes you all the best on New Year ’s 
Day, but what do you whish for yourself?
A common question but very important on my point of view. Don’t you think that a person has to know thinks he wants to do next year? Even on the run of the days people must have on mind things to do, when to do, how to do and mainly ‘because of what’ to do!

You can agree or disagree… but this text is mine, so I’m going on.
First of all I will share my wishes for you, then my wishes for my family members and finally for me.


  •       I wish you keep your job and if you don’t have one or are not happy with yours find a new one.
  •      Wish your family be more times together not only on festivities days.
  •        I wish love in all of relationships.
  •        I wish you find a new hobby.
  •   And I don’t forgot to wish you a HAPPYNEW YEARS!

For my family I have similar wishes, but one that I thing it’s essential in this moment: straight and faith to fight with a disease. I know today medicine has change, different treatments, less painful and more assertive.  I know God reserved the best for all of us, but sometimes I think how I would feel if things won’t go as I’d want. The last time I lost someone very closed was a long long time ago and I don’t want to remember how it is. So God I pray: please, look for us!
Now it’s my time and I made a list that I ‘ll share :
Goals for my new year:

  • ·         Try to find a job in a school as a teacher.
  • ·         Keep working with my dad a part time.
  • ·         Think in a post-graduation .
  • ·         Get out more on weekends.
  • ·         Go back to piano’s classes.
  • ·         Keep my Spanish classes.
  • ·         Exercise myself everyday.
  • ·         Take off ten pounds or more.
  • ·         Maybe, just maybe, in a last possibility let me know a person and try to start some relationship.
  • ·         And last, but not less important: improve my languages skills.